

The RPDND in-game economy is never going to be perfect but we do make tweaks to different aspects on occassion to make sure its always rotating money in and out so players can still make money and save it but also we can take steps to prevent excessively rich players.

How to make money?


A weekly quest that is a solid source of income giving players 100gp a week upon completion along with other things.

Trade Packs

Trade packs require you to gather resources then bundle them up and travel across the map to give them to needy NPCs.


Discover what there isnt a lot of in the market and start gathering those resources to sell to willing buyers.

Crafted Goods

Upgrade your resources to actual items that you can sell at a better price. May have limited buyers.


We have a painting plugin that I know if you like pixel art you can make a decide amount of money selling.

NPC Quests

Look for daily quests hiding around town to get a few coins.

DM Events

DM events can feel rare but can pay out really well if you attend them. Don't depend on this as your main income.

Open A Shop/Service

Create a shop that sells a good or service. Such as carriage rides to the trade pack locations!

Player Skins

Artistic? Sell player skins for in-game currency. We like to call these characters "Tailors" in-game.

Work for Someone Else

Become a hired hand at another person's shop or even their home.

Information Broker

Know something? Want to sell it for money? I  mean why not right!?


Sell stories or even write the news and sell the stories that way. I think it would be awesome to have a "weekly writer" release small story snippets.

In-Game Basic Pricing Guide

All items listed are in Gold unless otherwise stated.

Items not listed here are at the player's discretion for pricing. All prices are individual.

This is a BASELINE you can sell it for more or less if you want. This is just how server recipes are calculated.

Alchemy Supplies

1.04 | Lesser Healing Shroom

0.8 | Lightning Moss

0.8 | Frost Lichen

1.6 | Amanita Mushroom

1.6 | Rowan Berry

1.6 | Mandrake Root

1.6 | Wolfsbane

1.6 | Cat's Tongue

1.6 | Sourgrass

1.6 | Nightshade

2.7 | Moonstalker

2.7 | Ashblossom

2.7 | Gillyweed

2.7 | Singing Nettle

2.7 | Silverthorn

2.7 | Fairy Stool

4 | Hag Finger

4 | Mindflayer Stinkhorn

5 | Fish Scale

5| Large Seashell

Crafting Supplies

0.85 | Small Iron Nugget

15.3 | Box of Armor Studs

0.47 | Leather

0.85 | Little Molten Iron

3.4 | Some Molten Iron

13.5 | Much Molten Iron

9.4 | Leather Guard

1.88 | Tanned Leather Sheet

0.94 | Leather Strap

1.88 | Raw Hide

1.7 | Armor Stud

0.87 | Lored Wood

1 cp/Player's Choice | Wool

1p | Silver Nugget