Consent & Common Sense

Roleplayer's Agreement & Conflict Consequences Agreement:

Roleplaying conflict on a server can be overwhelming and even potentially character ending. It is important to remember before stepping into the realm of RP conflict or Consent Only Conflict you review the rules and understand by taking part in these actions you are agreeing to any In-Character Consequences that may come as a result of these actions.

Also as a tip from a roleplayer if you commit a crime in-character do not talk about it OOCly or ICly if you wish to avoid in-character consequences. While we wish to stop all meta-gaming it is not always possible to catch or find. But if you are intentionally going out and telling people what you have done to create the excuse that they meta-gamed you will be the one in trouble.

It should be common knowledge that roleplay is for storytelling. If you take that away from people by revealing everything interesting that happens OOCly you kill the drive to want to roleplay and find out the answers or the truth. Roleplayers are mini-DMs in a way because you create a story that needs to be uncovered over time and you don't want to lose the joy of watching people try and figure out the truth.

There should be an agreement among all roleplayers that information that happens In-character should not be disclosed via non-IC means.

Requirements & Rules

Roleplay Allowed Conflict

Roleplay based conflict that does not require consent to initiate and can not cause the other character any permanent damage. These actions taken can & do have IC consequences. 

Consent Only Conflict

Serious conflict that results from roleplay build up over time. Please communicate with the other player. IC Actions do & can have IC consequences even if you OOCly agree on these actions. Meaning those around you may view your roleplay differently and take thier own actions as a result.

Banned Conflict

This content is NOT allowed on the server.


Conflicts are never going to be one and done. Some roleplay will pull from multiple different types of conflict to be fully completed. You may end up kidnapping someone but to kidnap them you need to assault them first and then restrain them to make sure you can move them to the new location. What is important to remember is that roleplay is STORYTELLING ;and if you are out to tell a story, roleplay conflict should be enough. But if the roleplay needs to be elevated; Consent Only Conflict will need to be followed and agreed to by all parties involved.

Conflict does not always have to be negative, there may be ways to utilize roleplay conflict for a positive outcome and not a negative one. Such as restraining your friend before they go and beat up a drunkard.

Bystander Actions

As a bystander you are not 100% involved in the conflict (consented or not) but you are an active participant of the roleplay happening around the conflict. Even if you denied consent or involvement there are actions you can take as a bystander to affect the conflict and effect the results. Such as:

Note: Abusing the bystander actions to assist your friend in a fight would not be allowed. Bystander actions are for STOPPING a conflict not assisting in one.

Player vs Player Non-Consensual Roleplay

Below are guidelines for roleplay interactions between two non-consenting players. If both players agree to an outcome [ie: Duel to the Death] then that is allowed and considered consenting roleplay. But if one player disagrees below  are guidelines for your situation and  must be followed. [ie: One player refuses maiming. Meaning you can only do Roleplay Approved Conflict] or gather the evidence/interactions you need to  bypass the consent requirement.

This method is serious and can result in a character's death once activated via the Moderators. Attempt to resolve conflicts before reaching this point ICly.

How to get started

Conflict Examples

Example One:

Example Two:

Example Three:

Example Four: