Common Commands

Common Commands In-game

" - local RP chat ex "hello"

(( - local Out of Character chat ex ((Hello

** - A single asterisk will create an action ex *takes a swig of ale*

*Note* All versions of the above chat can be combined into one sentence. Ex. "hello" *she waves her hand* ((hey wanna go to the tavern?

/me - action with character name

! - global chat ex: !hello

/w - whisper channel (2 blocks)

/q - quiet channel (6 blocks)

/s - Shout channel (20+ blocks)

/viewglobal - mutes global chat (toggles)

/local - local chat (locks in channel)

/ooc - ooc chat (locks in channel)

/whisper - whisper chat (locks in channel)

/shout - shout chat(locks in channel)

/quiet - quiet chat (locks in channel)

/link - Used in-game to connect to discord gives you a code to input in discord.

/notify - turns off aasimar racial messages

/spawn - returns to spawn center

/arm <option> - accesses the region plugin

/card - bring up character card (click to edit)

/nickname - this only updates the the name above your head use character card for other name locations *temporary

/roll - rolling plugin (/dice - temporarily works too)

/rp - roleplay locator (being updated)

/race - can be reached through command or through /card pick your actually roleplay race its permanent.

/quests scoreboard - to hide the quest scoreboard on the side of your screen.

/quests - to access your quests

/vote gui - to open the voting gui

/itf togglemode - Added the ability to turn item frames invisible or visible with a right click. Just toggle it using the command provided.

/walk - Select your walking speed

/gps list - find gps location points

/gps start <location> - go to location point

/gps stop - stop going to location point

/gps move - move arrow with scroll wheel and shift + scroll wheel

Common Discord Commands

/link <verificationid> - Talk in the #in-game channel of discord and the bot will walk you through how to link & verify your discord account to your minecraft accounts in-game.

/migrate - Use command in any channel if you have had a character on the server for awhile this will give you a form to fill out to have your exp transferred to the new system.

/bump - Boost our server on Disboard

/roll or /r - roll dice on discord

/lookup <option> - look up Dungeons & Dragons relevant information such as: