Special Recipes

Enchanted Dust

A - Enchanted Book (Any)


Activated Enchanted Dust

A - Amethyst Block

B - Enchanted Dust

C - Raw Copper

Crafting Bench

Woven Fabric

A - White Wool

B - Waxed String

Crafting Bench

Craftable Mounts & Pets

Mech Pet

A - Polished Iron Plates

B - Iron Chain

C - Yellow Dye

D - Small Iron Plate

E - Box of Armor Studs

F - Glowstone (block)

Crafting Bench

Mech Mount

A - Polished Iron Plates

B - Iron Chain

C - Yellow Dye

D - Small Iron Plate

E - Box of Armor Studs

Crafting Bench

Flying Carpet Mount

A - Activated Enchanted Dust

B - Yellow Dye

C - Purple Dye

D - Woven Fabric

Crafting Bench

Broomstick Mount

A - Chunk of Wood

B - Activated Enchanted Dust

C - Hay Block

D - Waxed String

E - Polished Iron Plate

Crafting Bench
