Exp Shop
EXP equals time—time that a character spends working on various things, such as improving themselves or becoming more versatile. The intent and purpose of this system is to offer a way to gain certain benefits and round out a character; to represent their efforts of branching out and diversifying themselves.
This can be measured best in time. Whether it represents your character brooding over textbooks, lifting weights, or baking three dozen horrible pies before they finally produce something edible, these things are all symbolic of your character exploring their prowess further and shifting the focus of their skills. It all comes down to time and effort; the former we can measure, the latter is more difficult to oversee.
This system is also intended for players who, for whatever reason, want to slow the advancement of their character, perhaps until they undergo important character development or otherwise.
Limitations and Prerequisites
This system can only be used to gain a new proficiency or change an existing aspect of a character’s sheet once per month, regardless of the listed time cost. However, you can make use of multiple perks of this system at once (or in one ticket) as long as their cumulative time cost does not exceed 30 days.
You cannot spend so much EXP on a perk that your character no longer reaches the minimum threshold to be at their current level. For example, a level 8 character (minimum 34,000 experience) with 38,000 experience can’t spend more than 4,000 experience on a perk.
When obtaining a new proficiency, reference your character’s ability scores without the influence of any items like a Headband of Intellect or other in-game effects like the Shadow’s Strength Drain that may alter their ability scores.
While you are encouraged to pursue roleplay aspects of gaining a new proficiency or changing existing aspects of a character’s sheet, such as seeking out a teacher or training in character, none of these actions are strictly necessary to utilize this system.
Making a Ticket
This system will operate through EXP shop tickets. Simply open a ticket and fill out the following form:
Character Name:
Chosen perk(s):
Changes: [Which specific proficiencies were added and/or what was generally modified on the sheet]
New sheet:
Old sheet: [Attach a link, screenshots, and/or details of the old sheet, including relevant information like character level, class(es)/subclass(es), ability scores, race, proficiencies, class features (including ASI’s/feats), background, and spellcasting (if any)]
A DM will respond to your ticket at their earliest convenience and tell you whether your ticket has been approved, requires modifications, or is rejected outright. As soon as your ticket is approved, the perks will be assigned to your sheet and useable in play. If you intend on making multiple uses of this system, you can submit another ticket 30 days after your most recent ticket was submitted.
Available Perks
Time in OOC Days
This is an approximation of the time your character will take to focus on their training and/or retraining. As stated previously, roleplay is not required for this system to function, but is heavily encouraged. In addition, you cannot take multiple perks simultaneously in one ticket if their combined OOC Days cost exceeds 30 days—so no taking a Soft Rework and gaining a new weapon proficiency, though you are free to do either in isolation.
EXP Cost
This is the amount of experience that will be deducted from your character’s current EXP total. Remember, you cannot spend so much EXP on a perk/perks that you no longer meet the minimum requirement EXP to maintain your character’s level.
New Language
Time in OOC Days:
EXP Cost:
New Tool Proficiency
Time in OOC Days:
EXP Cost:
New Simple Weapon Proficiency
Time in OOC Days:
EXP Cost:
New Martial Weapon Proficiency
Time in OOC Days:
EXP Cost:
Switch ASI or FEAT
Time in OOC Days:
EXP Cost:
Switch Spell Known
Time in OOC Days:
EXP Cost:
Switch Skill Proficiency
Time in OOC Days:
EXP Cost:
Switch Choice Class Feature
Time in OOC Days:
EXP Cost:
Switch Subclass
Time in OOC Days:
EXP Cost:
Shield Proficiency
Time in OOC Days:
EXP Cost:
Soft Rework
Time in OOC Days:
EXP Cost:
Gain 1x Trinket DM's Choice
Time in OOC Days:
EXP Cost:
New Language
Learn a new language from either the Standard or Exotic language category. You can learn a number of new languages not afforded to you from your race/class/feats equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of one). Alternatively, you can replace one language previously learned through this perk.
While your character will gain proficiency in this language that is mechanically identical to someone who learned it through other means, keep in mind that your character may not be perfectly fluent in this new tongue even after undergoing the training presented through this system. You are encouraged to make your character’s study and further understanding of this language a part of your roleplay even after their time training through this system has concluded.
Languages Available
Standard Language
Language | Typical Speakers | Script
Common | Human | Common
Dwarvish | Dwarves | Dwarvish
Elvish | Elves | Elvish
Giant | Ogres/Giants | Dwarvish
Gnomish | Gnomes | Dwarvish
Goblin | Goblinoids | Dwarvish
Halfling | Halflings | Common
Orc | Orcs | Dwarvish
Exotic Language
Language | Typical Speakers | Script
Abyssal | Demons | Infernal
Celestial | Celestials | Celestial
Draconic | Dragonborn/Dragons | Draconic
Deep Speech | Mindflayers/Beholders| --
Infernal | Devils | Infernal
Primordial | Elementals | Dwarvish
Sylvan | Fey Creatures | Elvish
Undercommon | Underdark Traders | Elvish
New Tool Proficiency
Learn a new tool proficiency from the options listed below. You can gain a number of new tool proficiencies not afforded to you from your race/class/feats equal to half your proficiency modifier (minimum of one, rounded down). Alternatively, you can replace one tool proficiency previously gained through this perk.
While your character will gain proficiency in this tool that is mechanically identical to someone who learned it through other means, keep in mind that your character will likely not be a master even after undergoing the training presented through this system. You are encouraged to make your character’s study and further understanding of their craft a part of your roleplay even after their time training through this system has concluded.
Artisan Tools
Alchemist's Supplies
Brewer's Supplies
Calligrapher's Supplies
Carpenter's Tools
Cartographer's Tools
Cobbler's Tools
Cook's Utensils
Glassblower's Tools
Jeweler's Tools
Leatherworker's Tools
Mason's Tools
Painter's Supplies
Potter's Tools
Smith's Tools
Tinker's Tools
Weaver's Tools
Woodcarver's Tools
Forgery Kit
Herbalism Kit
Instruments & Misc
Dice Set
Dragonchess Set
Playing Car Set
Three Dragon Ante Set
Pan Flute
Navigator's Tools
Poisoner's Kit
Thieves' Tools
Disguise Kit
Vehicles (Water)
Vehicles (Land)
New Simple Weapon Proficiency
Gain a new simple weapon proficiency from the options listed below. You can gain a number of new simple weapon proficiencies not afforded to you from your race/class/feats equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of one). Alternatively, you can replace one simple weapon proficiency previously gained through this perk.
Simple Weapon
Light Hammer
Crossbow, Light
New Martial Weapon Proficiency
Gain a new martial weapon proficiency from the options listed below. You can gain a number of new martial weapon proficiencies not afforded to you from your race/class/feats equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of one). Alternatively, you can replace one martial weapon proficiency previously gained through this perk.
Martial Weapon
War Pick
Ranged Weapon
Crossbow, Hand
Crossbow, Heavy
Switch ASI or FEAT
Re-allocate any single Ability Score Increase or feat gained from your class or the feat gained upon character creation.
Switch Spell Known
Replace a spell gained from a class’ Spellcasting feature with another from that same class’ spell list. Any class can change known cantrips with this feature for another cantrip on that class’ spell list. However, the option to change leveled spells is only available to classes/subclasses that do not prepare their spells, consisting of Arcane Tricksters, Bards, Eldritch Knights, Rangers, Sorcerers, and Warlocks. Arcane Tricksters and Eldritch Knights must adhere to the rules about the schools of magic from whence the majority of their spells should belong when replacing their spells.
Switch Skill Proficiency
Replace one of the skills gained from your class(es), background, or race (if given a choice between multiple options, such as with Variant Human) with another skill.
Switch Choice Class Feature
Modify a single class feature that gives you a choice between multiple options, such as a Sorcerer’s Metamagic, a Totem Barbarian’s chosen totem, an Eldritch Invocation, or a Fighting Style obtained from your class. If multiple options can be chosen simultaneously from the same class feature (as with Metamagic/Eldritch Invocations), you can modify only one of your choices. Does not apply to a class’ Spellcasting feature; see ‘Switch Spell Known’ for details.
Switch Subclass
Switch your subclass to that of another subclass within the same base class.
Soft Rework
Reallocate/change Ability Scores, ASIs/Feats, subclass(es), class features, spellcasting, and/or skill/tool proficiencies obtained from class(es) at will. Racial/background skills can be changed only if the skills are chosen from multiple options. Background, race, and core class(es) must stay the same, though the latter can be modified slightly. Class levels can be removed to a minimum of 1, then reallocated. New character classes cannot be added or old ones removed with this perk.
Gain One Trinket | DM Choice
This option is intended for those who don’t want their character to progress beyond a certain point for any reason and have no desire or ability to interact with the rest of this system. The trinket gained is a fringe benefit, and the exact trinket you ultimately end up possessing is entirely up to the DM’s discretion.
If you have questions please ask in the DM ticket or use the #help-desk on discord.