Banned Items
Items below are banned from use in the RPDND server. Players who acquire these items or have found these items on the server should report it to a DM to have it exchanged out for Full Worth Magic Notes for that item rarity. Some items are removed due to power, usage, and limitations within our campaign making them unusable. This list is subject to change as new D&D content is released or new books are added to our approved sources.
Note RPDND does not go above Very Rare for items at this time. Meaning Legendary & Artifacts (etc) are not handed out or allowed.
Note Two: Since this was just added items may be added so please keep this as a reference guide. Last Updated: 8/25/2024
Item Tweaks
Alchemy Jug - acid only lasts 24 hours
Bag of Beans - individual beans like the bead magic items
Night Caller - require attunementÂ
Mizzium Apparatus - bump up to very rare
Staff of the woodlands - bump to very rare
Item Bans
Cartographer's Map Case [AI]
Clockwork Amulet [XGE]
Keycharm [E:RLW]
Voting Kit [AI]
Bag of Bounty [WGTE]
Bag of Holding [DMG]
Balloon Pack [PoA]
Card Sharp's Deck [BOMT]
Elder Cartographer's Glossography [AI]
Finder's Goggles [E:RLW]
Guild Signets [GGR]
Harkon's Bite [VRGR]
Hellfire Weapons [BD:DA]
Infernal Puzzle Box [BG:DA]
Inquisitive's Goggles [WGTE]
Keyrunes [GGR]
Lorehold Primer [SCC]
Mind Carapace Armor [VGM]
Orc Stone [ID:RF]
Prismari Primer [SCC]
Quandrix Primer [SCC]
Robe of Useful Items [DMG]
Sending Stone [AI]
Silverquill Primer [SCC]
Soul Coin [BG:DA]
Wheel of Wind and Water [E:RLW]
Wingwear [PoA]
Witherbloom Primer [SCC]
Storm Boomerang
Deck of Wonder
Badge of the Watch [WDH]
Cube of Force [DMG]
Daern's Instant Fortress [DMG]
Hell Hound Cloak [TYP]
Helm of the Gods [MOT]
Heward's Handy Haversack [DMG]
Hook of Fisher's Delight [ID:RF]
Horn of the Endless Maze [WDMM]
Mind Blade [VGM]
Mind Lash [VGM]
Portable Hole [DMG]
Saint Markovia's Thigh Bone [CoS]
Scorpion Armor [ToA]
Shield of Far Sight [VGM]
Spelljamming Helm [SAS]
Tentacle Rod [DMG]
Voidwalker Armor [BOMT]
Weird Tank [PoA]
Horn of Valhalla (Silver, Brass)
Very Rare
Amulet of the Planes [DMG]
Amulet of the Black Skull [ToA]
Bag of Devouring [DMG]
Battle Standard of Infernal Power [BG:DA]
Bloodshed Blade [BP:GOG]
Candle of Invocation [DMG]
Chronolometer [AI]
Clockwork Armor [BOMT]
Devastation Orb [PoA]
Devlin's Staff of Striking [DMG]
Helm of Brilliance [DMG]
Helm of Devil Command [BG:DA]
Heward's Hireling Armor [LLK]
Horned Ring [WDMM]
Last Stand Armor [EGW]
Lord's Ensemble [WDH]
Lucent Destroyer [BP:GOG]
Maddgoth's Helm [WDMM]
Manual of Bodily Health [DMG]
Manual of Gainful Exercise [DMG]
Manual of Quickness of Action [DMG]
Mimir [PSAIM]
Mizzium Apparatus [GGR]
Mudslick Tower [PBTSO]
Navigation Orb [SKT]
Potion of Possibility [EGW]
Robe of Stars [DMG]
Rod of Absorption [DMG]
Rod of Security [DMG]
Rotor of Return [AI]
Skull Helm [BOMT]
Speaking Stone [E:RLW]
Staff of Fate
Thunderbuss [BP:GOG]
+3 Focuses
+3 Weapons and Ammo
Tome of Understanding
Tome of Leadership and Infuence
Tome of Clear Thought
Timepiece of Travel
Horn of Valhalla (Bronze)